Halloween is on Thursday and I still need a costume! I have brainstormed and brainstormed but I just cant do it this year. I need something funny or scary but I don’t want to be immobile either, take last year for example I was a sumo wrestler and could barely jog. Last year I barely got any candy because of that.

              I was thinking about being one of the people from Duck Dynasty, but I don’t know how I’ll run in cowboy boots. But if I am a duck dynasty person I will only have to make or buy a fake beard and American bandana, because I already have jeans, a camouflage shirt from hunting, and cowboy boots from camp to do horse back riding. Or I could go buy a morph suit, which is basically a elastic suit thing that covers your entire body. but what color should I get?

              Im leaning towards the duck dynasty, because it would be cheaper. But I just cant wait for the bags of candy I could get. Speaking of I also need to get Halloween candy. If you have any ideas tell me ’cause I really  need some.